2008年10月23日 星期四

OpenCV 1.1

新版的OpenCV 1.1 ,在2008年10月15號發佈,基本上只是優化前一版的內容,刪除了cvcam函式庫,並且提供了一本歐萊里的工具書


This is OpenCV 1.1pre1, the first intermediate update after 1.0.It features better stereo support, SURF features, better performance of some functions, DirectShow support in highgui etc. It also includes many bug-fixes.


>>> New functionality/features: <<<

    - General:

        * Octave bindings have been added. See interfaces/swig/octave
         (for now, Linux only)

        * [Windows] OpenCV is now built with VS2005 with SSE2 and OpenMP support included
         (if you want to rebuild OpenCV using Express or Standard Edition of VS, use

        * [Windows] Python bindings have been updated to use Python 2.6

        * [Windows] cvcam has been removed (as videoInput is now supported by highgui)


        * Speeded-up Robust Features (SURF), contributed by Liu Liu.
         see samples/c/find_obj.cpp and the documentation opencvref_cv.htm

        * Many improvements in camera calibration:
            - Added stereo camera calibration: cvStereoCalibrate, cvStereoRectify etc.
            - Single camera calibration now uses Levenberg-Marquardt method and supports extra flags to
             switch on/off optimization of individual camera parameters
            - The optional 3rd radial distortion parameter (k3*r^6) is now supported in every calibration-related

        * 2 stereo correspondence algorithms:
            - very fast block matching method by Kurt Konolige
             (processes the Tsukuba stereo pair in <10ms on Core2Duo laptop)
            - slow but more accurate graph-cut based algorithm by Kolmogorov and Zabin

        * Better homography estimation algorithms (RANSAC and LMEDs)

        * new C++ template image classes contributed by Daniel Filip (Google inc.). see

        * Fast approximate nearest neighbor search (by Xavier Delacour)

        * Codebook method for background/foreground segmentation (by Gary Bradski)

        * Sort function (contributed by Shiqi Yu)

        * [OpenCV+IPP] Face Detection (cvHaarDetectObjects) now runs much faster (up to 2x faster) when
            using IPP 5.3 or higher.

        * Much faster (~4x faster) fixed-point variant of cvRemap has been added

    - MLL:

        * Python bindings for MLL have been added. There are no samples yet.

    - HighGUI:

        * [Windows, 32bit] Added support for videoInput library. Hence, cvcam is [almost] not needed anymore

        * [Windows, 32bit] FFMPEG can now be used for video decoding/encoding via ffopencv*.dll

        * [Linux] Added unicap support

        * Improved internal video capturing and video encoding APIs

    - Documentation:

        * OpenCV book has been published (sold separately :) see docs/index.htm)

        - New samples (opencv/samples):

        * Many Octave samples

        * find_obj.cpp (SURF), bgfg_codebook.cpp (Codebook BG/FG segmentation), stereo_calib.cpp
            (Stereo calibration and stereo correspondence)

>>> Bug fixes: <<<

    Many thanks to everybody who submitted bug reports and/or provided the patches!

    * added dma_unlisten to icvCloseCAM_DC1394 (thanks to Victor Benso)

    * LMEDs algorithm for cvFindFundamentalMat estimation has been fixed

    * Broken debug build of highgui in VS2005/2008 (SF #2056185, SF #1709435)

    * cvFindChessboardCorners memory leak and incorrect size checks
    (SF #1972896, SF #1910323)

    * disabling GTK causes v4l runtime error (SF #2088102)

    * cvsetmousecallback bug (SF #2053529)

    * libhighgui needed deprecated "img_convert" replacement (SF #2011753)

    * Segfault in createsamples caused by uninitialized variable (SF #1977989)

    * Data Alignment Issue in bgfg_gaussmix (SF #1961755)

    * libpng need to be updated (SF #1952793)

    * cvCreateVideoWriter_Win32 - identifier not found (SF #1944254)

    * Bug in cvmorph.cpp (SF #1908844)

    * dilate (cvDilate) works bogus with default kernel (SF #1887130)

    * CvEM non-default constructor declared but not defined (SF #1830346)

    * cvFloodFill (in ver 1.0) Hangs (SF #1790565)

    * double delete in CvImage (SF #1733437)

    * cvFilter2D anchor default value is not working properly (SF #1713779)

    * cvCvtColor - Bug? in converting HSV2RGB (SF #1676344)

    * Invalid selection of the MKL-dll version in cvUseOptimized() (SF #1633017)

>>> Known issues:

    * Borland compiler is not supported (but might work) in this update.

    * 64-bit Windows is not supported (but might work) in this update.

    * SF bug tracker still contains over 50 records of open bugs. Many of them will be addressed in the next

8 意見:

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if (){
if (){
if (){
// code


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